As a founding partner of People Systems Consulting, Jerry brings over 25 years of experience to his work with clients such as Lockheed Martin, Dell Computer, JPMorgan Chase, Southwest Airlines, Shell Oil, Devon Energy, JC Penney, Sabre, and many more large and small clients.
In addition to his work in North America, he has engaged extensively with clients in Europe, Asia, and South America.
His expertise spans various areas with a particular focus on change leadership, performance management, and leadership development.
Jerry serves as Academic Director for several award-winning leadership development programs with Southern Methodist University’s (SMU) Executive Education.
In addition, he is a faculty member for the George W. Bush Institute’s Liberty and Leadership Forum. He works with leaders in Myanmar who are committed to bringing about a peaceful transition to democracy and civil society.
Jerry has also taught top-rated MBA and undergraduate organizational development and change courses with SMU’s Cox School of Business.
Previously, Jerry was the Head of Organizational Development and Learning for SMU’s faculty and staff. Before SMU, he held consulting and leadership roles with Franklin Covey and Presbyterian Healthcare System.
Jerry holds Certification and Master Certification designations for numerous programs and assessment instruments. He has certified thousands of facilitators across the globe.
Combining an educational background in Communication, Organization Development, and Psychology with his hands-on business experience in marketing and business development, Jerry brings a sense of real-world application to his work.